Automate your feedback processing with AI.

Automate your feedback processing with AI.

Save days of manual work, no more manual processing. Have always up-to-date insights.

How it works

How it works


Send in feedback

Funnel data to Specific through our API. CSV import and direct integrations are coming soon, together with our AI-surveys.


Configure AI processing.

No-code data analysis. You're programming with english.

You define what you are looking for in the data, taxonomy, and how it should be categorized. You can even run multiple analyses in parallel.


Let it flow.

AI automatically extracts insights, consolidates them around topics, and categorizes topics around tags.


See always up-to-date insights.

Dashboard with the most common problems in your product and trends. All backed with insights from your users and data.



Customize what insights you are looking for. AI will look for insights in the data, but it's up to you to define what an 'insight’ is.

Customize how insights should be grouped. Insights are grouped into topics. But it's up to you to define what a 'topic' is.

Filter what data to process. You can apply filters to specify which data sources to process and which parts of them should be processed.

Customize the taxonomy. Create your own hierarchical system of tags, used for organizing information.

Multiple products, separate taxonomies. You can run different analyses on multiple different products, each of which has its own taxonomy.

Run multiple analyses. You can run different analyses on the same data at the same time.

Manual collection + AI.

Use our Chrome extension to capture anything from anywhere on the web—Zendesk, Front, you name it.

And AI helps you categorize insights.

Beyond ROI.

Beyond ROI.

Save days of manual work, and have always up-to-date insights.

Save days of manual work, and have always up-to-date insights.