Unlock the revenue

Unlock the revenue
hidden in your

Unlock the revenue

in your

in your

sales calls

sales calls

sales calls

Simple and powerful sales call analytics that helps you make better decisions.

Simple and powerful sales call analytics that helps you make better decisions.

Integrate with your stack.

Integrate with your stack.

Connect and send data from your apps to Specific.

Connect and send data from your apps to Specific.

Track concepts.

Not keywords.

Track concepts.

Not keywords.

By utilizing the most powerful large language models, concept trackers provide your company with a superior way to quantify key insights compared to traditional keywords.

How many calls resulted in next steps?

Which competitor is your audience mentioning the most, and why?

What are the key pain points and challenges your prospects are facing in their businesses?

Which features of your product are generating the most buzz, and why?

Your sales team spends hundreds of hours per month on calls. They accumulate tons of information.

Your sales team spends hundreds of hours per month on calls. They accumulate tons of information.

We help you leverage it.

We help you leverage it.

Insights around topics

Insights around topics

Fully understand what’s going on. Each topic aggregates all related user insights into a structured list. You can access all the details and understand what's going on.

Filter the clutter

Filter the clutter

Monitor only what matters and filter out the rest. Use custom fields to filter by data from your CRM whatever you need.

Customizable structure
of tracked topics

Customizable structure
of tracked topics

Monitor topics, add tags, organize them in a hierarchy as needed, and see how many customers are talking about what.

Turn your call data
into revenue.

Turn your call data into revenue.